Academics who are not employed by Goethe University contribute to the work of the Cornelia Goethe Centre as associate members.
Keele University, School of Law, UK
Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM)
Okan University, Sociology
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Intercultural Studies
Faculty of Earth Sciences / Geography, Human Geography
University Kassel, Humanities
Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts, Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology
FU Berlin, Latin American Institute
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Sociology, Women and Gender Studies, and Supervision
University of Music Würzburg
TU Dresden, Political Science
Internationale Gesellschaft für erzieherische Hilfen
Universität Bremen, Faculty of Language and Literary Studies, English Language Education
Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Social Work
Berliner Verkehrbetriebe
Aberystwyth University, Wales, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Keele University, School of Law, UK
Faculty of Modern Languages, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature
University of Education (PH) Freiburg, Sociology
Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
TU Darmstadt, International Student Services
Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, Soziale Arbeit
Kinothek Asta Nielsen Frankfurt am Main, Film Studies
Universität Mozarteum, Austria, Didactics for Visual Arts Education
Loyola University Chicago, Department of Theology
University Regensburg
Faculty of Geosciences and Geography, Institute for Human Geography
Faculty of Social Sciences, IPP Transnational
Faculty of Modern Languages, Institute for Englisch and American Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
CoDiVe - Gesellschaft für Digitalisierungs- und Verhaltensforschung e.V.
University Koblenz-Landau
University Bielefeld, Educational Studies
Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts, Seminar for Jewish Studies
Sociology and social psychology
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Comparative Cultural and Social Anthropology
Faculty of Protestant Theology
Faculty of Modern Languages, Institute for German Literature and its Didactics
Johannes-Gutenburg-University Mainz, Educational Studies
Institute for Social Research (IfS), Sociologie
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Institute for German Literature
Jusuts Liebig University Gießen, Political Science
Deutsche Rentenversicherung
International University of Applied Sciences (IU), Social Work
International University, Nürnberg
Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb)
Goethe Research Acadamy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE)
University Paderborn, Department of Educational Studies
International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin
Control Center for Ageing of the City of Frankfurt am Main
Helmut Schmidt Universitz Hamburg, Sociology
Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa
Protestant University of Applied Sciences (EH) Darmstadt
University Mannheim
Western Norway University of Applied Science
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
TU Darmstadt
Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK)
Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, Social Work/Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Linguistics, Culture, and Arts, Institute for Art Education
Faculty of Social Sciences, Soziology with Concentrations in Social Conflict and Social Change
Institute for Social Research (IfS), Frankfurt am Main
Faculty of Philosophy and History, Philosophy
University of Cologne, Social Sciences
Tomsk State University
Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
Kinothek Asta Nielsen, Frankfurt am Main; Film Studies
Frankfurt, Sociology / Cornelia-Goethe-Center
University Hamburg, Educational Studies
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Social Work & Health
Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
University of Wuppertal
University of Hamburg, Institute of Human Movement Science
Kiel, Medical Faculty
Queen*s University, Canada, Black Studies and Social Justice
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Faculty of Linguisitics, Cultures, and Arts, Jewish Studies
Newcastle University, UK, Law
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Social Work and Health
Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts, Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology
Faculty Psychology and Sports Sciences, Sports Sciences