The Gender Studies program qualifies students for work in academia and research. In addition, competencies are acquired for a broad professional spectrum, including fields of practice in youth and adult education, communication media, public relations, publishing, political consulting, cultural work and cultural management, work in civil organizations (women's projects, NGOs) at the local, national and international level, for the development, implementation and evaluation of gender mainstreaming, as well as for work as women's and gender equality officers.
Gender competence is particularly in demand in the following fields of work:
- Science and research
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
- Equality bodies
- Educational and cultural institutions
- Political consulting
- Public relations and media
Alumni Report Certificate Program Gender Studies
"For me, M.A. Gender Studies Certificate Program meant an exchange and interdisciplinary networking on feminist issues. After completing my M.A. in TFM and a second Bachelor's degree in Educational Science at Goethe University, I started in a feminist youth center and currently work at a counseling center for women where I advocate for discrimination sensitivity and a more intersectional understanding of feminism, both in direct contact with clients and at the organizational level. I believe the Gender Studies Certificate has strengthened my professional stance in this regard."
Isa Pietsch (providing systemic counseling and working in education)
Helpful Links
Overview of Gender and Women Studies in Germany and the german speaking area
Network Gender and Women Studies NRW job vavancies
Ministry for family, seniors, women and youth job vacancies
Gender Studies in the Job: Study about the Gender Studies Alumni of Humboldt-University
KULTweet Jobs for Humanities, Cultural and Social Studies Scholars