Research Projects at the Cornelia Goethe Center

The members of the Cornelia Goethe Center research the meanings and problems of gender relations in all areas of society. This includes the symbolic constructions of masculinity and femininity, but also the social inequalities and power relations in which they are embedded. Research addresses current socio-political issues and is characterized by an interest in theoretical reorientations, socio-cultural differentiation processes and international developments.

The research projects are funded by international and national third-party donors, such as the European Union, the German Research Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, the State of Hesse, and the Hans Böckler Foundation.


Barbara Asbrand, Merle Hummrich, Nicolle Pfaff

Mitarbeitende: Bente Bartels, Hauke Jan Schlichting

Frederike Middelhoff

In Kooperation mit der Jagiellonen-Universität Krakau, gefördert von der Deutsch-Polnischen Wissenschaftsstiftung

Frederike Middelhoff

Leitung: Frederike Middelhoff, Roland Borgards, Frederike Felcht

Weitere Beteiligte: Esther Köhring, Martina Wernli, Achim Geisenhanslüke, Nicolaus Müller-Schöll, Robert Pütz, Verena Kuni, Kathrin Bartha-Mitchell

Merle Hummrich

Mitarbeitende an der GU: Isabell Meiboom

Das Projekt wird vor Ort in Kooperation mit KUBI (Gesellschaft für Kultur und Bildung gGmbH) und der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg durchgeführt.


Nikita Dhawan

Mitarbeiter*in: Ana Maria Miranda Mora


Frederike Middelhoff, Irini Siouti


Yonson Ahn

Kooperationspartner*innen: Yvonne Schulz Zinda (Universität Hamburg), Nadeschda Bachem (Universität Bonn)

Yonson Ahn, Casandra-Angela Chistinean



Thomas Lemke

Mitarbeiter*innen: Sara Lafuente Funes, Veit Braun, Ruzana Liburkina


Carola Hilmes

Kooperationspartner*innen: Universitäten in New Delhi (JNU: Madhu Sahni, DU: Mazumdar)