Since 2002, the Cornelia Goethe Award, endowed with 2,000 euros, has been awarded for an outstanding dissertation or post-doctoral thesis in the field of women's and gender studies by the Friends of the Cornelia Goethe Centre. It is awarded to a scientific achievement that reflects the meanings of gender relations, the symbolic constructions of masculinity and femininity or the epistemological perspective of women's and gender studies in science and provides new food for thought. The prize money is usually donated by a sponsor. The award ceremony takes place within the framework of the Cornelia Goethe Salon. This takes place annually on the occasion of Cornelia Goethe's birthday.
The call for applications for the Cornelia Goethe Award with the detailed award guidelines is usually issued every two years and is announced on the CGC website. Academics who have submitted their work to Goethe University are eligible to apply. The submission deadline is usually July 1.
Year | Name | Dissertation | Sponsor |
2022 | Carolin Stix | Subalternität, Rassismus und Recht (Subalternity, Racism and Law) | Lore Plebuch-Tiefenbacher, Frankfurt a.M. |
2021 | Sarah Dionisius | Neuverhandlung von Familie, Verwandtschaft und Geschlecht? Das Elternwerden lesbischer und queerer Frauen*paare über Reproduktionstechnologien (Renegotiating Family, Kinship and Gender? Becoming Parents of Lesbian and Queer Women* Couples via Reproductive Technologies) | unnamed donor |
2020 | Katharina Hoppe | Die Kraft der Revision. Epistemologie – Politik und Ethik im Werk Donna Haraways (The Power of Revision. Epistemology - Politics and Ethics in Donna Haraway's Work) | DekaBank, Frankfurt a.M. |
2018 | Cara Röhner | Ungleichheit und Verfassung – Vorschlag für eine relationale Rechtsanalyse (Inequality and the Constitution - Proposal for a Relational Legal Analysis) | Cosnova GmbH |
2016 | Archana Krishnamurthy | Scham Macht Geschlecht – Körperdialoge in Südindien (Shame Power Gender - Body Dialogues in South India) | Barbara Ulreich, Frankfurt a.M.; Friends' Association of the Cornelia Goethe Centre |
2014 | Julia König | Kindheit – Sexualität – Kindliche Sexualität (Childhood - Sexuality - Child sexuality) | Commerzbank |
2012 | Astrid Lembke | Dämonische Allianzen. Konfigurationen des Narrativs der gestörten Mährtenehe in jüdischen Erzählungen des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Demonic Alliances. Configurations of the Narrative of the Dysfunctional Moravian Marriage in Jewish Narratives of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.) | HSE Stiftung der HSE AG; Friends' Association of the Cornelia Goethe Centre |
2011 | Irini Siouti | Vom Gastarbeiterkind zur Transmigrantin. Eine biographieanalytische Untersuchung über Transmigrationsprozesse bei der Nachfolgegeneration griechischer ArbeitsmigrantInnen (From Child Guest Worker to Transmigrant.A Biographical-Analytical Study of Transmigration Processes in the Successor Generation of Greek Labor Migrants) | HSE Stiftung der HSE AG |
2010 | Tanja Scheiterbauer | Die islamistische Frauenbewegung in der Türkei aus der Perspektive der Bewegungsforschung (The Islamist Women's Movement in Turkey from a Movement Studies Perspective) | Friends' Association of the Cornelia Goethe Centre |
2009 | Utan Schirmer | Geschlecht anders gestalten. Drag-King-Praxen, geschlechtliche Selbstverhältnisse und Wirklichkeiten (Shaping Gender Differently. Drag-King Practices, Gendered Selves, and Realities.) | Friends' Association of the Cornelia Goethe Centre |
2008 | Sarah Elsuni | Geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt und Menschenrechte. Eine geschlechtertheoretische Untersuchung der Konzepte Geschlecht, Gleichheit und Diskriminierung im Menschenrechtssystem der Vereinten Nationen (Gender-based violence and human rights. A Gender-Theoretical Examination of the Concepts of Gender, Equality and Discrimination in the United Nations Human Rights System.) | Wolfgang Lindstaedt, Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe |
2007 | Birgit Spengler | Vision, Gender, and Power in Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Writing, 1860 – 1900 | Commerzbank |
2006 | Heiko Motschenbacher | Women and Men like different things? Doing Gender als Strategie der Werbesprache (Women and Men like different things? Doing Gender as a Strategy of Advertising Language) | pme Familienservice GmbH |
2005 | Linda Maria Koldau | Frauen in der deutschen Musikkultur der Frühen Neuzeit. Ein Handbuch (Women in German Music Culture of the Early Modern Period. A handbook) | Fraport AG |
2004 | Kerima Kostka | Im Interesse des Kindes? Elterntrennung und Sorgerechtsmodelle in Großbritannien, den USA und in Deutschland (In the best interest of the child? Parental separation and custody models in Great Britain, the USA and Germany) | Business Competence Center |
2003 | Marianne Schmidbaur | Vom ‚Lazaruskreuz‘ zu ‚Pflege aktuell‘ – Professionalisierungsdiskurse in der deutschen Krankenpflege 1903-2000 (From the 'Lazarus Cross' to 'Pflege aktuell' - Discourses of Professionalization in German Nursing 1903-2000) | Friends' Association of the Cornelia Goethe Centre |
2002 | Bärbel Tischleder | Body Trouble: Entkörperlichung, Whiteness und das amerikanische Gegenwartskino (Body Trouble: Disembodiment, Whiteness, and Contemporary American Cinema.) | Commerzbank |