The CGC is an active member of various national and international networks on gender studies. In research and teaching, it cooperates with various European universities.


University partnerships connect the Cornelia Goethe Centrum with the Università degli Milano-Bicocca, the Université de Strasbourg, the Emory University of Atlanta, the Linköpings Universitet, the Univer­sity of Toronto and the University of York. The CGC is an active member of the European Associ­ation for Gender Research, Education and Documentation (ATGENDER). Through its research projects funded under EU programs, it cooperates with many other European universities. Within the framework of InterGender, the ERASMUS exchange program for Gender Studies, the Center cooperates with the University of Bern, the Central European University Budapest/Vienna and the University of Jyväskylä.


The CGC is involved in various scientific networks at the national level, including the Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien/Gender Studies (FG Gender) e.V., the Konferenz der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien im deutschsprachigen Raum (KEG) and the Conference of Hessian Centers/Institutions for Women's and Gender Studies (KonZen). Long-standing cooperations connect the Center in the realization of events with the Gen­der- und Frauenforschungszentrum der hessischen Hochschulen (gFFZ), the Hessischen Landes­zentra­le für politische Bildung (HLZ), the Hugo Sinzheimer Institut, the Catholic Adult Education as well as the Protestant Academy Arnoldshain.


One of the Cornelia Goethe Center's concerns is the dialogue with the municipal and civil society. As a result, cooperation with the Frauenreferat, the Gleichberechti­gungs­büro and the Kulturamt of the City of Frankfurt am Main is a frequent occurrence. In addition, the CGC works together with civil society initiatives such as the Evangelischen Stadtakademie, the Frankfurter Domkreis Kirche und Wissenschaft, the Haus am Dom Frankfurt am Main and the Kinothek Asta Nielsen e. V.


Regular cooperation partners of the CGC within the university include the Equal Opportunities Office of the Goethe University, the Equal Opportunities Council of the Department of Social Sciences and the feminist philosophers frankfurt. 

Research Associations

Gunter Hellmann, Johannes Völz

Projektbeteiligte aus dem CGC: Vinzenz Hediger, Vera King, Martin Saar

Thomas Lemke

Beteiligte: Josef Barla, Marc Boeckler, Martina Klausner, Peter Lindner, Lizzie Richardson, Thomas Scheffer, Gisela Welz

Isabelle Deflers, Marília Jöhnk, Anna Axtner-Borsutzky

Projektbeteiligte aus dem CGC: Marília Jöhnk (Literaturkritik)

Merle Hummrich, Merle Hinrichsen

Mitarbeiterinnen an der GU: Medine Celik, Louisa da Cunha

Kooperation der GU mit der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg und Migrantenselbstorganisationen

Beteiligte an der Universität Oldenburg: Ayça Polat (Leitung), Rudolf Leiprecht, Joachim Stöter

Stephan Lessenich

Leitung: Bernd Belina, Susanne Heeg, Friedrich Lenger, Sarah Speck

Vera King, Patrick Meurs, Heinz Weiß

Projektpartner*in: Hans-Christoph Koller