Goethe University
PEG Building, Room 2.G 022
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Professor of Critical Geography
Faculty of Earth Sciences / Geography, Human Geography
+49 (0) 69 798 35164

Bernd Belina has been engaged in teaching and research at the Institute of Human Geography since April 2008, and has held the rank of W2 professor since 2011. He completed his doctorate at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bremen and subsequently held positions at the Institute of Geography at the University of Potsdam and at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig.

His research interests encompass historical-geographical materialism, urban geography, the geography of rural areas, political geography and critical criminology.
Thematic areas currently under investigation include urban social movements in Athens, the documentation and analysis of right-wing threats to democracy in Hesse and theoretical perspectives on the urban-rural relationship, with a particular focus on the electoral success of right-wing parties.