Sekretariat der Abteilung Neue Englischsprachige Literaturen & Kulturen (NELK)
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main

New Literatures and Cultures
Faculty of Modern Languages, Institute for Englisch and American Studies

Karin Ikas is adjunct professor (Apl. Prof.) at the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. She has already worked as an interim professor in the field of English and American Literatures and Cultures at the universities of Duisburg-Essen, Tübingen, Munich (LMU) and Frankfurt/Main. She studied at the universities of Würzburg (Germany) and Texas (UT Austin) and was a visiting scholar at various universities in the USA, Canada, South Africa and Australia. In 1999 she obtained her Ph.D. in English and American Literary and Cultural Studies and Didactics at the University of Würzburg with overall excellence (summa cum laude). Her Ph.D. thesis on “Modern Chicana Literature: An Intercultural Analysis” (published in German as Die zeitgenössische Chicana-Literatur: Eine interkulturelle Untersuchung [Heidelberg, Winter, 2000] won the Daimler Chrysler Foundation's “Academy Award for Intercultural Studies 2001.” Afterwards, she worked among others as a lecturer & research associate as well as an assistant professor & interim professor at the Institute of English and American Studies at the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. In 2010 she obtained her Habilitation (second Ph.D.) in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Frankfurt/Main