Goethe University Frankfurt a. M.
Faculty of Geosciences/Geography
Institute for Human Geography
PEG | Room 2.G025
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Junior Professor of Digital Geography
Faculty of Geosciences/Geography, Human Geography
+49 (0)69 798 35166

Lizzie is a Junior Professor of Digital Geography. Empirically much of her research examines how work in the digital era creates distinctive geographies and how geographies make a difference to definitions and practices of work. The focus lies on the contingent production of space in working activity, which enables forms of work definition and differentiation that involve diverse politics and agencies. Conceptually, Lizzie's research is interested in the intersections between economy and culture, drawing on approaches to performance and performativity, together with feminist and queer theories for making sense of and constructing the economic. She has held research and teaching positions at the University of Sheffield, Durham University and the University of Cambridge. She holds a BA in Geography from the University of Cambridge and an MA and PhD in Human Geography from Durham University.