Portrait Desta Girma
Social Anthropologist
Frobenius Institute

Desta Lorenso Girma is an experienced researcher with over 20 years of experience focusing on cultural issues, art, tourism and entrepreneurship. An ardent contributor to the creative industries focused on expanding to the global market through research and entrepreneurship development. The researcher conducted research on cultural craft, cultural values and heritage, ethnographic marketing research for tourism resources, research on anthropology of women entrepreneurship, Conduct assessment on tourism potential of Ethiopian cultural, historical and natural resources. Identify and write story on distinctive cultural products from Ethiopian ethnic groups for cultural fashion design.

Academic Background

Desta Lorenso Girma conducts his doctoral research at the Frobenius Institute, Goethe University of Frankfurt, under the Gerda Henkel Scholarship. His research focuses on the 'Anthropology of Gender Power Relations' within the Kambaata community in Ethiopia. He previously conducted the earlier part of his doctoral research at Mekelle and Addis Ababa Universities. He studied Ethiopian Languages and Literature (BA), Anthropology (MA), Law (LLB), and Accounting (Diploma).
Desta has been on the board of the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers, and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) since 2022. He served as deputy head of the Bureau of Culture, Art, and Tourism of Addis Ababa City and director of the Directorate for Sector Research and Development at the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Research Interest
  • Thematic: Anthropology of gender, Marketing, and Business Anthropology, Shared cultural values, Feminist Anthropology, Power relations, Anthropology of women entrepreneurship, Anthropology of marketing and cultural tourism.
  • Regional: Southern Ethiopia (Kambaata)
Research Works and Publications
  • Girma, D. L. (2023): Gender power relations in Southern Ethiopia – an anthropological insight. In: blog interdisziplinäre geschlechterforschung. (URL: www.gender-blog.de/beitrag/gender-power-relations-southern-ethiopia/).
  • Girma, D.L. (2019): Women’s Struggle for Freedom and Human Rights in GuragheCommunity of Southern Ethiopia: The Case of ‘KakieWuredot’. Anthropological Insight of Ethiopian Feminism of 1850’s. In Yewudie, G., Nega, Z., Amare, A., Girma, D.L. & Debebe, A. (Eds.): ‘የሴቶች ሁለንተናዊ አበርክቶ/YesetochHulentenawiAberkito.’ (Amharic for "Women's strategic development center"), pp. 38-53. Addis Ababa: HibreKelem Press.
  • Yewudie, G., Nega, Z., Amare, A., Girma, D.L. & Debebe, A. (2019): ‘የሴቶች ሁለንተናዊ አበርክቶ/YesetochHulentenawiAberkito.’ (Amharic for "Women's strategic development center"). Addis Ababa: HibreKelem Press.
  • Girma, D.L. (2011): ሴቶችእናኢንተርፕሪነርሺፕበከምባታ/ (Amharic for Women and Entrepreneurship in Kambaata Community). In Bezabih, W. & Semu, B. (Eds.): YeinterpreneurshipQulfoch, Vol. 5, pp. 112-118. Emperitech Ethiopia Business Societz (EEBS).