13 July, 2021 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

ZOOM meeting

The fireside conversation is aimed at (PhD) students of the GRADE Centre Gender, interested parties from the administration and management of Goethe University as well as activists of queer-feminist, anti-racist initiatives. The discussion will be moderated by Marianne Schmidbaur and Vanessa Eileen Thompson.

The informal setting of the fireside chat is intended to offer a special, protected space for personal and open questions about setting priorities, career decisions, crossroads, aha experiences, successes and failures and strategies for overcoming them, as well as about hindering and supportive social relationships and networks.

Ann Phoenix
Marianne Schmidbaur
Vanessa Eileen Thompson
Bettina Kleiner, Helma Lutz, Marianne Schmidbaur
Mandy Gratz

Registration for the fireside conversation was required.

We would like to thank our cooperation partners for their support of the event series!

The Angela Davis Guest Professorship for International Gender and Diversity Studies serves to promote international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of gender and diversity.

Prof Angela Davis is regarded as a pioneer in the global race-class-gender debate and as a pioneer of critical discourse within gender and diversity studies. Her perspective on overlapping forms of inequality based on gender, ethnicity and class has become part of social science theorising as triple oppression - or currently as the intersectionality approach.

Angela Davis was the first holder of the visiting professorship at the Cornelia Goethe Centre in 2013. Following its successful launch, the visiting professorship is filled at regular intervals by an internationally renowned researcher.