Seminarblock I
3. Juli 2024 - 14:00 bis 18:00

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In this seminar Grada Kilomba explores the art of performing knowledge, creating decolonial exercises and using her unique artistic practice, in which she gives body, voice, form, movement and image to her own writings. “What is knowledge? What is acknowledged as knowledge? And whose knowledge is this?” Kilomba will explore how knowledge production, violence and power are intrinsically interwined, and investigates how to transform such configurations. Using therory, writing exercises, narrative, imagery, performance and movement, participants are invited to transform configurations of power and knowledge and to re-imagine new spaces and languages of decolonial thinking. Participants will work with their voices, bodies, and writings to understand fundamental terminologies such as Illusion, Dellusion, Denial, Projection, Memory, Erasure, Resilliance, Surveillance, Marginalisation, Resistance, Trauma, Liberation; Empowerment, Time, Space. Moreover, participants will explore forms of decolonising knowledge production, language and aesthetics.

Es handelt sich um den ersten von drei Blöcken des Seminars im Rahmen der Angela Davis Gastprofessur 2024.

Angela Davis Gastprofessorin
Grada Kilomba
Bettina Kleiner, Verena Kuni, Johanna Leinius
Amanda Glanert, Mandy Gratz, Mayte Zimmermann

Weitere Informationen zu den Anmelde- und Teilnahmemodalitäten folgen.



  • Davis, Angela Y. ( 2019). Women, Race & Class: Angela Y. Davis.London: Pinguin Classics.
  • Davis, Angela Y. ( 2016). Freedom is a Constant Struggle. Chicago: Haymarket Books.
  • Kilomba, Grada (2008). Plantation Memories. Episodes of Everyday racism. Münster: Unrast Verlag.